
Albums Shortcode


Use the albums shortcode to show a curated list of albums.

Filtering by Users

Default: none – Shows all
[um_gallery_albums user_id="1"] Use user_id getting an album for user with the ID 1
[um_gallery_albums user_id="1,2,44"] Separate IDs by commas to select multiple users

Filter by Usernames

Default: none – Shows all
[um_gallery_albums username="admin"] Use user login/username getting to get album for that user
[um_gallery_albumsusername="admin,john,sarah"] Separate usernames by commas to select multiple users

Filtering a specific album

Default: none – Shows all
[um_gallery_albums id="1"] Use id getting an album for user with the Album ID 1
[um_gallery_albums id="1,2,44"] Separate Album IDs by commas to select multiple albums

Limiting amount

[um_gallery_albums amount="15"] Use the attribute amount to limit the number albums to be displayed. Default: 100

Photos Shortcode


Use the shortcode to get all the recent photos uploaded. Here are few parameters to custom this shortcode

Param Usage Example
category Used to only show photos from a certain category. It currently only accepts term IDs [um_gallery_photos category=”1,4,99″]
exclude_category Used to exclude photos from certain categories. It currently only accepts term IDs [um_gallery_photos exclude_category=”1,4,99″]
tags Used to only show photos from a certain tag. It currently only accepts term IDs [um_gallery_photos tags=”1,4,99″]
exclude_tags Used to exclude photos from certain tags. It currently only accepts term IDs [um_gallery_photos exclude_tags=”1,4,99″]
user_id Used to only show photos by a certain user ID or multiple separated by commas. [um_gallery_photos user_id=”1,8,9,10″]
per_load Used to set the number of photos to be displayed or the amount per auto load [um_gallery_photos per_load=”10″]
page In order to skip a batch of photos, use page to see a next page/batch. [um_gallery_photos page=”2″]
auto_load In order to stop photos from autoloading as you scroll, set this parameter to false. [um_gallery_photos auto_load=”false”]
layout Used to set layout to be displayed. Options are grid, masonry [um_gallery_photos layout=”masonry”]