Comments – Give your users to congratulate students and build a real community by enabling comments on the activity list.
Likes – Like other online community, turn your LMS into a community and allow other to like user’s activities and boost morale!
Activity Types – Create timelines for Courses, Lessons and Quizzes or all together, while still having the option to show students that has just started or completed an activity.
Customizable Templates – Choose the message you would like displayed in the activity feed. Customize each activity type from the admin with available templating options.
User Only Activity – Want users to view all their activity? Simply set the timeline to show current user activity and allow your students to view a time lapse of how they have been interacting with their courses.
Current Course Activity – Perhaps, you would like to showcase activity happening for a current course. Just add the time to a course page and it will display all the activities for the course.
Suggestion/Pre-Sale Question?
We actively try to improve all of our plugins based on customer suggestions. Do you have a suggestion or have a question about add-on? Let us know below.