Styling UM Custom Tab Builder and LearnDash Course Grid

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We’ve received a few reports that Course Grid Addon for LearnDash doesn’t always style well when adding the course grid shortcode to a custom tab. What actually happens is that the Courses list vertically as opposed to being in a grid. So, we’ve created a helper plugin that will essentially add Course Grid Addon styles to the tab. You can download and install this plugin to get the styles.

Alternatively, if you would like to add the code to your project yourself, you can add the following

function um_ld_add_ld__styles() {
	if ( function_exists( 'um_is_core_page' ) && um_is_core_page( 'user' ) && function_exists( 'learndash_course_grid_load_resources' ) ) {
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'um_ld_add_ld__styles' );

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