The temptation to save money and get some thing for free might be high but not everything that is free is good. That is to say nulled WordPress plugins and themes are attractive but can cost you more in the end.
There are plenty of resources that explains why Nulled files can be bad. Check them out to learn in detail
Here’s what you need to know about Nulled products
- Malicious Code! – Beware of the Nulled products as they can come riddled with code that creates lots of hidden spam links in your site. Some nulled products are even more malicious by taking over your site or stealing your customer information
- Illegal! – Technically, WordPress plugins generally licensed under the GPL license can be adopted by others, some have mixed licenses. These mixed licenses makes these pirated files open to lawsuits, so it really isn’t worth it when you think about it.
- No Updates – Many premium plugins and theme updates are managed through licenses or accounts. Without having an active account with the maker of the plugin, you won’t have access to future updates including security updates which would leave your site vulnerable.
Other reasons not to trust nulled scripts include the effects on SEO and no support from developers. So when you see Nulled scripts, tread carefully.