Docs for Ultimate Member – Version – Notifications and Approvals

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Many of you have been requesting a way to only allow approved uploads to the site as well as a way to receive notifications of new uploads. Well, it’s finally here! Let’s break down the updates version of Docs for Ultimate Member.

Upload Approvals

This feature can be turned on by going to UM Docs > Settings and toggling the Require Approvals checkbox under the General tab. It’s that simple. Once turned on, any new upload via the frontend will be given a pending review status and can only be displayed to users if the Require Approvals button is turned off or if the upload has been approved.

Approval Required Settings

To approve the upload, you can go to the uploads list under Documents where you will see a column called Approved which tells you which upload is pending approval

Documents Approved Status

Once you click on the upload you would like to approve, you will see the approval options on the right side of the screen. Simply toggle the checkbox and hit Publish to approve the file upload.

Approve Upload Checkbox


Adding notifications to the Docs plugin was on the to-do list for a while but the first draft of it is done! The first thing you need to need to do is go to UM Doc > Settings and click on the Notifications tab. Once there, you can do the following:

  • Enable Notifications
  • Set the emails that you would like to receive the notification
  • How often you would like a notification sent which can be hourly, daily or immediately
  • The email subject and body. You can use the custom shortcode {docs} to display a list of last uploaded files

Form Labels

Lastly, a new set of labels were added to customize the form upload section on the frontend.

Form Labels

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